
Two Dimensional Lookups

First Method: Index Match: A two-dimensional lookup in Excel can be performed using the INDEX and MATCH functions in combination. The INDEX function returns a value from a specific cell in a range, while the MATCH function returns the position of a value within a range. When used together, these functions can perform a two-dimensional lookup, where a value is returned based on the intersection of two criteria.

Here's how to perform a two-dimensional lookup in Excel using INDEX and MATCH:

  1. Define the data range that contains the values you want to look up.

  2. Use the MATCH function to find the row number that corresponds to the first criteria.

  3. Use the MATCH function to find the column number that corresponds to the second criteria.

Second Method: XLOOKUP (Transpose): A pivot table in Excel can be used to transpose a dataset from wide to long format. The wide format is characterized by having multiple columns for each observation, while the long format has a single column for each type of variable. By transforming the data from wide to long format, you can reshape and reorganize your data in a way that makes it easier to analyze and visualize.

Here's how to transpose a wide dataset to a long format using a pivot table in Excel:

  1. Select your wide dataset and go to the Insert tab, click Pivot Table.

  2. In the Create PivotTable dialog box, select the range of your data and choose a location for your pivot table.

  3. In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag the columns that you want to use as your rows to the Rows area.

  4. In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag the column that you want to transpose to the Columns area.

  5. In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag the column that you want to use as your values to the Values area.

  6. Go to the Options tab and choose "Report Layout" as "Show in Tabular Form".

  7. Go to the Options tab and choose "Repeat All Item Labels”.

This will create a pivot table that transposes your data from wide to long format. The pivot table will have one row for each combination of values in your rows and columns, and the value in the column that you specified will appear in a single column in the pivot table.

Third Method: XLOOKUP (OFFSET): A two-dimensional lookup in Excel can also be performed using the XLOOKUP and OFFSET functions. The XLOOKUP function is a newer function that replaces the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions and provides more flexible and intuitive options for looking up values in a table. The OFFSET function returns a reference to a range that is offset from a starting point by a specified number of rows and columns.

To create a dynamic Xlookup for two-dimensional arrays, you can use the OFFSET and MATCH functions in conjunction with the XLOOKUP function. Here's how:

  1. First, select your lookup_value, which will be the first argument in the XLOOKUP function.

  2. Select the lookup_array, and lock as an absolute reference.

  3. Use the OFFSET function to define the return_array.

  4. Use the MATCH function to define the column that you want to return within the table. The MATCH function takes three arguments: the lookup value, the lookup array, and a match type (0 for exact match, 1 for less than or equal to the lookup value, or -1 for greater than or equal to the lookup value). USE EXACT MATCH

There are several ways to complete a two dimensional lookup in Excel. I have found that an Index Match Match is usually the most intuitive and easiest to understand, although XLOOKUP has advantages over legacy lookup formulas


Offset Formula


Best Two Dimensional Lookup