Why you should be using NAMED RANGES

Excel's Named Ranges are a great way to easily and quickly refer to specific cells of your data. All it takes is some simple housekeeping from Excel's Name Manager to set up a Named Range and you'll be good to go! It's a smart trick that excel has up its sleeve and can be leveraged to make excel an even more powerful tool.

Named ranges in excel are a great way to make formulas easier. They're like shortcuts that you can define using a name and an array (it could be horizontal or vertical). The array is usually based around the column and row headers with things like "revenue" or "paint color". This amazing feature of excel helps out when entering in complex formulas, as the named range takes the place of lengthy addresses. In a nutshell, this allows us to give something a name, refer to it nicely and excel takes care of the rest!

Named ranges can be an excellent tool for excel users who want to make their formulas easier to read and save time. With this function, excel experts can designate range names instead of cell references in a formula, making it much simpler to identify sections of an excel spreadsheet. For example, let's say you have a spreadsheet for Lee’s Painting Company that includes revenue data. Instead of having to decipher Excel formulas with cell numbers like A1:C15, you could give the ranges logical names like “Revenue” or "Owner” by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F3. Then when typing in your excel formulas you can just type the name of the range instead! This makes your excel documents look professional and easier to understand at a glance.

If you're feeling a bit stuck on using SUMIFS formulas with excel, don't worry! Our website and YouTube channel got you covered! We've got a walkthrough video that demonstrates how to use excel and named ranges while illustrating our example with Lee's Painting Company. Best part? It's incredibly detailed, so you can make sure there are no more guesswork in using excel formulas in the future!


SUMIFS Excel Walkthrough
